Coaching 1-1

Sesiones de coaching

Para ayudarte a lograr un cambio en tu vida.

En mis servicios de coaching te ayudo y trabajamos en eliminar tus creencias limitantes, miedos fobias, descubriendo tus valores, virtudes, talentos y habilidades.

A través de las diferentes técnicas de neurolingüística (PNL), terapia cuántica y con estrategias del coaching transformacional.

Lograrás los resultados que deseas y vivir el momentum, despertando al invencible que hay en ti.

“Creo firmemente en que todos tenemos un gran potencial para cambiar nuestro mundo.”
¿Cuál será el proceso?

Como tú coach, voy a guiarte en este proceso de alcanzar tu Misión de vida.


aximizando tus potenciales


ncrementando autoconocimiento


implificando las rutas al éxito


ncluyendo claridad y enfoque


ptimizando planes con excelencia


utriendo tu ser de optimismo

“Siendo tú el dueño de tus éxitos y decisiones”

Lo que algunos de mis clientes dicen de mis servicios

Yo estaba en una depresión interna que no me dejaba avanzar en mí día a día, pensaba que ya no había más nada que hacer. Mis días eran largos y tristes. Hoy puedo decir que mi vida tiene mucho más sentido de lo que yo pudiera imaginar, hoy sonrío y tengo planes hacia el futuro. La compresión y la forma que tiene Angélica de que uno vea las cosas, siempre con una sonrisa da confianza y estabilidad. Lo mejor de todo es que he cambiado mi forma de ser hacia mi familia y mi esposo, veo las cosas desde otro punto de vista y pienso mucho y analizo lo que voy a decir para que sea mucho más productivo. Yo, la recomiendo con todos para ayudar a muchas personas que están necesitadas de este cambio tan bueno para beneficio de la humanidad. Además sus honorarios son asequibles para todo el que desea mejorar su vida y que no van a encontrar mejor Coach que Angélica .“La vida es mucho más de lo que estás viviendo, hay mucho que aprender para tener un mundo mejor”. Dios me la bendiga siempre.
Margarita Arias
Yo estaba perdida, nerviosa, deprimida, guardaba mucho rencor, dolor y todo lo malo que se pueda imaginar, pero desde que empecé mis sesiones de coaching, he tenido muchísimos resultados, he aprendido mucho, he vivido muchos milagros y sigo disfrutando de mi maravilloso cambio. He tenido cambios y con ello recaídas, pero he aprendido a tener fe en mi fortaleza interna. El coaching es algo increíble, maravilloso, lo que Angelica ha hecho por mí es una maravilla y la recomiendo cien por ciento. Para mi ella es un ángel caído del cielo que hace maravillas y que sabe transformar las cosas difíciles y negativas en fáciles y positivas enseñándonos. Nunca me ha abandonado por eso no solo la recomiendo sino la re-recomiendo y le doy las gracias por ser como es, y deseo que siga siendo parte de mi vida, no la dejaría ni la cambiaría por nada. Uno de los milagros que yo vivo es que Angelica haya aparecido en mi vida. Lo que más me gusto fue aprender a ser agradecida, a saber recibir y a pedir, porque para mí era más fácil dar, sin saber que me causaba un desequilibrio interno. Mi cambio ha beneficiado a muchos y especialmente a mi esposo, porque nuestra relación es hermosa, sincera y llena de sorpresas. “Encontrar el poder interno es la base de nuestra felicidad”
Glenda Cabrera
Empresaria y agente de bienes raíces.
Before coming to you my life felt like the Stock Market or hills and valleys. I have a lot of highs and lows. I knew something was wrong with me. Not medically wrong but spiritually wrong that was messing with my life. I knew I needed guidance someone who can help you see life from another perspective. I became more focus; I became more aware. My intuition and listening to my inner self have sharpened. I pay more attention to how I say what I say. I stay away from people, places or things that transmit negative energy. Unwanted circumstances (What you would call problems) are part of life that sometimes you think you have no control over. WRONG! In every circumstance there's one thing you ALWAYS have 100% control over. That my friend is your attitude! That determines how long or short your unwanted situation last. Working with Angelica is like playing chess with a master chess player. No matter how good you think you are. You'll learn there's a lot of things you STILL DON'T KNOW! When the head of the household is being enlighten the whole family is enlightened. I would recommend Angelica services. Understand that Angelica is a COACH! YOU ARE THE PLAYER. If the coach help you discover what you're doing wrong to play the game of life. IT'S UP TO YOU to practice what you learned to get the outcome you're looking for. This is not a magic pill, this is personal, mental, internal, emotional reprogramming. What you put in is what you're going to get out of it. Angelica can't practice for you. Coaches don't play 😊. Don't start if you're not serious. One of the most. Important thing an individual have is their time. Once we lose it we can't get it back. Don't waste your time and Angelica's if you're not ready. If you think very conventional and close minded THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. If you want to see a difference in your life, you have to be open-minded. Remember you're the one in need. You came to her so learn listen and apply. A Coach is not here to tell you what you want to hear but to challenge you. Do your commitments, no excuses if you want to get results!
Alexander Herard
Owner of Alexander Associates Group. Miami Florida
I am a parent of a 20-year-old son with autism. Upon his graduation from high school with a Special Diploma, I was unsatisfied with his academic progress. I began interviewing teachers for the position of private tutoring. I was introduced to Angelica Vidal at a local organization for autism parents. She shared with me her personal story of Home-schooling a child with autism, who presently was attending college, pursuing a graphic art degree. It is because of these credentials, I was convinced no other person was more qualified for the position of the academic enrichment for my son. I inquired about hiring her as a tutor for my son. Thankfully she accepted. Mrs. Angelica Vidal has been a private tutor to my 20-year-old son with autism for the past five years. Her unique ability to understand how a child with autism learns is from more than twenty years of home school teaching experience with a child with autism. It is because of her adaptive teaching methods and dedication that is attributed to my sons’ academic improvement. As her student, he has shown improvement in self-confidence, independence and most importantly has achieved what I had hoped; reading comprehension and writing skills. He anxiously waits for his weekly lesson, and completes all homework assignments, unassisted. Mrs. Vidal’s personal commitment to children’s success in life and studies, is realized when one reads the book she published, The Book for Your Future. I would recommend Mrs. Angelica Vidal for any child with learning disabilities.
Cynthia Drucker
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Yo me sentía triste, deprimida, confundida con muchas preguntas sobre la vida y estaba preocupada por mis hijos. Hoy me siento muy feliz estoy recién casada, felizmente enamorada y bien unida a mis hijos. La manera en que Angélica enfoca la vida y las situaciones me hacen sentir cómoda, confiada y segura ante la vida. Lo más hermoso de esto es que con mi cambio milagrosamente todo cambio en mi vida. Todos estamos felices, mis hijos están fluyendo y han tenido un cambio radical en sus vidas. Ahora nos comunicamos mucho mejor. Gracias a nuestro coach Angélica, somos una familia feliz. Recomiendo sus servicios a todos los que lo necesitan, con sus técnicas y herramientas de coaching efectivas aprendimos a vivir más fácil y conectados con el amor y la abundancia del Universo. “Familia feliz, gracias a estar abiertos al conocimiento y la guía”. Bendiciones de éxito.
Jessica Horta
My name is Brandon Drucker. I am an author of 3 books, I am an artist and I work at the Artists with Autism gallery. Before meeting Ms. Angelica I was losing my time and wasting my time on some dumb staff. My life improved a lot and I learn to do homework and be responsible for my actions, and I learn a lot of things that is helping life today. I love everything that I learn in my tutoring sessions with Ms. Angelica. My mom is happy with my improvements, my brothers are happy too, when they are proud of me I feel grateful. Ms. Angelica is a good tutor and a good life coach. She taught me how life Works and I learn good things about life. Note.- If you want to know more about Ms. Angie you can read my book “The diary of an Autistic kid “ on page 80. The story of my tutoring sessions.
Brandon Drucker
Artist with Autism - Deerfield Beach Fl
What a beautiful and hidden treasure our Life Coach Angelica is, to me and to all those who are being healed and blessed under her care and guidance! With each session, I continue to gain the key knowledge and tools that I need to heal within and to erase all the memories and obstacles that have blocked my inner gifts, my growth, my happiness and my prosperity. I continue to enjoy her beautiful words of affirmation, her customized scents, and her delicately designed healing jewelry each day! Since my first session in December 2018, Angelica has guided me kindly and beautifully in every area of my life. I have rediscovered Gods love and his power within me. You will quickly learn from her that you don’t get what you want in life, but rather that you get what you ARE! I am now better able to clearly identify all my beliefs and my vision, and consequently, I can better achieve all my life goals with ease. I am truly enjoying life’s miracles and attracting many more blessings and prosperity each day on my journey. Regardless of your faith, Angelica will help you become clearly aware of whom you truly are, will adjust your attitude and will help you (re) define and achieve your vision. Thanks to her, my inner light is glowing brighter and I seamlessly prosper each day in my personal, professional and financial life. I am happier and forever grateful.
Liliane Kankindi B.
Licensed Investment Adviser Licensed Broker. Fort Lauderdale, FL
I used to feel nervous about going to college and experiencing the real world that was normally outside my comfort zone. Now I feel that I can clearly achieve my goals that I’ve set without fear in my mind and attend classes without getting worked up. That, I’m really grateful for. My coaching sessions resulted in clear actions and steps to move me forward. My expectations for the coaching program have been met. Beyond what I thought. I thought it was going to be like what it is movies or shows, but it was different and I liked that. I enjoyed each and every session. The 3 top benefits I received from working with my coach are: I understood myself better, I now have a clear goal, I look forward to the future. The 3 things I would like to say about my coach are: Wonderful, really caring, amazing at what she does.
Dalvin Estivariz
College student Phoenix, Az.
I was unhappy at work; I suffered from Hypertension, lots of disputes at home. A new job was offered to me that fit my skills. My Stress went away, I had confidence and a new and positive outlook in life. It was how fluid our sessions went. It felt like we were just socializing and not like some type of class or session. Lots of happiness in the home. A positive attitude with much better communication. And Yes! I recommend Angelica to anyone that I see with struggles in life or depressed. How quickly you see the results. I experienced a dramatic change in the first 2 sessions. I was a skeptic when I was convinced to take a session. I can say that Angelica opened my mind in a way that I thought was not possible. She is now the life coach for the entire family and everyone in the family has benefited from her teachings.
Richard Horta O’Brien

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Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Tienes alguna duda?

¿Qué es el coaching?

El coaching es el arte de explorar y maximizar el potencial que las personas poseen para mejorar su vida, personal y profesional. Con herramientas, técnicas y estrategias que brindan CLARIDAD, fortaleza, seguridad, para ser la mejor versión de sí mismos, siendo dueños de sus logros, diseñadores de sus éxitos, creadores de sus sueños y protagonistas de su felicidad.

¿Qué es una sesión de coaching?

Cada sesión de coaching es una aventura en la que la persona descubre sus potenciales, aprende a eliminar sus bloqueos, explora las posibilidades, crea planes con efectividad, disfruta del proceso y celebra sus grandes y pequeños logros.

¿Cómo nos reuniremos?

Las reuniones pueden ser en persona si vives dentro de área o sesiones vía Zoom o Skype.

¿Qué métodos de pago aceptas?

Los pagos puedes ser tramitados por PayPal o Deposito bancario.